1950 Coromandel Vs Colville

11TH OF MAY 1950


The Coromandel football team maintained its unbeaten record, on Saturday last when at Coromandel it defeated Whangapoua in a Rugby match by 11 points to six.

Coromandel's points came from three tries of which one was converted again stone try and a penalty goal by Whangapoua. After only 10 minutes of play E. Gamble put Coromandel in the lead with a nice run, scoring in a handy position. D. Beach converted, mating the score Coromandel 5, Whangapoua 0.

Whangapoua made determined bids for the Coromandel line and from a line out McDonald secured the ball and dived over. Hale failed with the kick taking the score to Coromandel 5, Whangapoua 3.

Shortly before half-time from a set scrum Coromandel hooked to Notman who fed his backs, M. Gamble breaking through to go over for a try. Beach failed with the kick. Coromandel 8, Whangapoua 3.

Lack of support spoiled Whangapoua's attempts to score and a penalty brought Whangapoua three more points. In a good passing movement the ball travelled right out to the wing, E. Gamble going over for a nice try. Beach failed with the kick, making score Coromandel 11, Whangapoua 6.

Mr V. Rivers Was referee.


In a good exhibition of fast open football Kennedy Bay and P.T., a team from Thames, drew six all in a Rugby match at Coromandel on Saturday last.

Both tides threw the ball about and some good back movements were seen. Good cover play by the Thames forwards saved their side in many tight corners. Leggan, Thwaites and P. Potae played great football through-out the game and-came close to scoring on many occasions.

Points for Kennedy Bay came from a penalty by McKeddie and a try by Bridle. For the visiting Thames team one try was scored by Hoffman and McKleish kicked a penalty goal.

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