1939 Coromandel Vs Paeroa

Coromandel met West (Paeroa), in a rugby match at Coromandel on Saturday last. Coromandel kicking off soon made it apparent that the visitors would need to be on their mettle. However, the visitors were well able to defend themselves, the play being fast and clean with good team work and sporty play on both sides. Taking the ball from a succession of scrums in the visitors’ 25, Wiki Wikaira was successful in scoring for Coromandel and S. Fisher converted. Coromandel 5, Paeroa 0.

Soon after this, S. Hampton, taking a penalty kick for West brought the score to: Coromandel 5, Paeroa 3.

Drawing near to half-time, both teams were striving to take the lead, but S. Fisher, making a brilliant dash from near half-way, crossed West’s line to score for Coromandel. He was also responsible for converting his own try. The score at half-time was: Coromandel 10, Paeroa 3.

The second half opened with West forcing the play, and Harris made an attempt to score with a drop-kick, failing to reach the distance, but McMillan, following up on Harris’s play took the ball to score for West, making the score: Coromandel 10, Paeroa 6.

Soon after this, S. Fisher made a spectacular 'drop-kick to score again for Coromandel, making the score: Coromandel 14, Paeroa 6.

With time drawing short and a fair lead to catch, West started to force the play, the game getting fast and determined. R. Harris was successful in scoring for the visitors, bringing to a close a really good, clean and fast game. The final score was: Coromandel 14, Visitors 9.

The Paeroa West Rugby Football Club were entertained at a very enjoyable dance arranged by the Coromandel Rugby Union on Saturday in the St. George’s Hall, Coromandel. Miss C. McNeil provided; the music for the dancers, assisted by members of the Paeroa club, who, having their instruments with them, gave several extras.

On Sunday morning the Coromandel Rugby Union arranged a fishing excursion, the visitors being taken out in Mr S. Strongman’s launch the “Wee Pat,” but adverse weather conditions marred what would have been a very enjoyable day, although the visitors seemed not to be demurred from enjoying themselves.

The visitors’ leaving Coromandel on Sunday evening brought to a close a week-end much enjoyed and appreciated by all concerned.

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